Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I found Oats Groats at our local Mennonite store, Country View Market, in Lebanon, PA. Great place!
So, while standing in the aisle I got on Pinterest and found a few interesting recipes such as...

And here's what I came up with.*

2 1/2 Cups Oats Groats**
1/4 Cup Flax (unground) seed**
1 Tablespoon Chia seed**
2 washed and chopped apples
6 1/2 Cups water
Cook on low in small crockpot for 4-5 hours or until liquid absorbed and groats don't crack your teeth. I then stirred in 1/2 Cup craisins, 1/4 Cup unsweetened coconut and let sit covered for one hour.
Serve with honey or agave nectar and almond milk.  De-Lish.  Though I feel I should keep out the chia next time.  It's a texture issue...

*BEWARE! Might cause some wind breakage.
**Oat groats (intact, hulled oat grains)  The groats provide 6 grams of protein per serving (1 Cup cooked or 1/4 Cup raw) and also contains 26 grams of carbohydrates, including 4.1 grams of dietary fiber.
**Flax seeds are chock full of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans and fiber... though best when ground as they do not digest well.
**Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods on Earth. Full of fiber, protein, Omega-3 fatty acids and high in antioxidants.

Cheap and Easy Chair re-do

Yep. Cheap and Easy.
Chair, paint and fabric.
Chair was $15 at thrift store.
Paint was already owned from a previous project.
I did pay $22 for the fabric which is outrageous for me but I loved it.
Total: $37.  I painted the chair in October and finally covered the cushions in February. To save time and aggravation I did not add the buttons. Oh, well.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

My High Horse

Pinterest. I LOVE LOVE LOVE PINTEREST! I spend way too much time on it.  It's the greatest invention since sliced cheese.
In fact, search Pinterest for 'sliced cheese' and you get this and this...

How many pins are wishful thinking?  We're all guilty of it.  For instance, and these are direct quotes form pinners: "Need to learn to crochet" or "May need this to refurbish my dining chairs next year" or "If I'd finish covering my sofa I'd have at least one thing done on my list!" and my favorite. "So excited to try this someday!"  Someday?? JUST DO IT, ALREADY!
I get it.  I really do.  I have so much I'd like to do and so many projects I want to tackle.  However, I am out of time, money or energy.  Or it simply isn't a priority. 

Instead let's do as my friend Kim Wright (kipper04) did and use the inspiration to actually create something: (Left is a pin from another pinner and on the right is her adorable tower of giraffes (yes, that is what a bunch of giraffes is called! Who knew?) Aren't they adorable?  Follow her.  She bakes the most fabulous cupcakes!

This blog will be dedicated to those who DO with Pinterest. Send me your success stories with pictures! Let people know if all the genius ideas really are genius.  Or rubbish.  I'll post it all! In the meantime I will be posting some of my own successes.  And failures.

Viva la Pinterest!

However, we can't do EVERYTHING we pin. For instance, my pin of Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade from BBC's Sherlock. I can't do that!